Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a Week

This has been quite a busy week. I can't seem to stay caught up with everything that needs to be done. Just to give you an idea of my daily schedule:

I am at the barn by 6a to feed the horses (there's one of them there on the right - Amigo), at work by 7:30a. Work, work, work, then at school by 2p. Most nights I am in class until 10p (except for Wednesdays when I am home to watch Bones). ...yeah, I'm busy. Any spare time that I'm not doing homework, I'm riding, or writing, or reading. Sometimes I sleep too:)

I have a lot to keep track of, so it's no wonder that sometimes I forget something. In today's case, I FORGOT I HAD MY POLITICS TEST!!

First off, I almost ditched today (it was just one of those days), but I'm really not much of a ditcher, so I ended up dragging myself to school. My stomach sank as soon as I walked in the door and saw the scantrons on everyone's desk. Luckily, I hadn't dawdled any longer leaving the house, because I had about four minutes - just enough time - to run to the student store and buy a scantron.

I had taken reasonably awesome notes on the lectures, and had done the reading, but did not study for a test, and seriously hadn't looked at the book since finishing the assigned reading a week ago. Not good.

I got the test and waited for a reason to cringe. There were only 12 multiple choice questions which I managed to get through, hesitating only once (I can never remember if it's the independant or dependant variable that is affected during an experiment. If you happen to know, feel free to comment me the answer). And then I saw the essay question. More or less word for word: "Describe Macchiavelli's views on the role of government as compared to James Madison's." Freakin' bingo. In last night's U.S. Government class, we discussed James Madison's part in the writing of the Constitution. He was weary of a powerful central government and wanted to diffuse the power - hence the three branches of our federal system. As for Macchiavelli, I luckily know enought about Macchiavellian control (control of the population through fear - thankyou Michael Crichton ) to bullshit my way through a rather fantastic essay.

Yeah, I got really lucky. I think I need to go study now....

P.S. Bones was way awesome tonight. I need to get myself a Booth....ya know, someone Conservative, works for the government, looks a bit like that guy who used to play Angel on Buffy...:)


Unknown said...

Ahhh, the joy of college life. It is the most hectic life you will lead in so many ways. That whole "showing up for a test thing" is my recurring nightmare. I always dream I show up and there is a test and I've never been to class. Sorry my nightmare was your reality.

Leonie said...

Re: (in)dependent variables

This is how I used to make sense of it in stats class: the dependent variable is the one that *depends* on the independent variables. It's the effect of those factors in the experiment that are set (i.e. not influenced by the observed process in experiment.) So say we're measuring test results based on hours of sleep, the hours of sleep is an independent variable (i.e. set by the researchers) and the test results are the consequence (i.e. dependent variable), assuming the hypothesis assumes that hours of sleep affect test results.

Loooong. Anyway, hope that helps. :)

Uni is tough at times, but it'll be pretty good looking back, promise! The alternative is... work. :(